Official Website of Author M.J.Kerwood
Michael J Kerwood


Book 1 - John Peece series

Book 1 - Casting Couch series

Book 4 - Casting Couch series

Book 2 - John Peece series

Book 2 - Casting Couch series

Book 5 - Casting Couch series

Book 3 - John Peece series

Book 3 - Casting Couch series

Casting Couch - Stand alone
Work in progress - Polly on the Mopstick - Publishing date... hopefully end of 2017

Polly on the Mopstick.
This story takes place in and around the villages of Chesterton, Bletchingdon and Binsey, in the county of Oxfordshire during a few days in April 1881, also in the village of Northfield, Birmingham, in the county of Warwickshire during a few days in April 1951.
Residents of these villages will find that I have taken literal liberties and creative licence with their enchanting areas and hope that they will accept this work in the spirit that it is written. As the Kerwood name is used throughout I have tried to keep the ambiance true to life with the use of local names and properties wherever possible, hopefully without causing offence.
Each Kerwood family member listed below subsisted; however, their personas along with the storyline have hereby been envisaged. Any similarity to any other branch or member of a Kerwood family in general, whatsoever spelling variations, or any descendant thereof from my branch in particular is purely coincidental.
The main protagonists are many and the family listing below is intended to enhance the character awareness for the reader. The brackets establish each member’s relationship to Joseph, and the number represents their age in the year of our Lord 1881.
The jacket photos were taken in 1951. On the front are Joseph Kerwood and his wife Eliza. On the obverse joining them is their younger son William, with eldest son John standing behind their youngest daughter Doris. Front and centre is me, Michael, their grandson… and victim.
LUKE KERWOOD (Passed) (Great, Great Grandfather)
Born in Hereford.
THOMAS KERWOOD (Passed) (Great Grandfather)
Born 1772
WILLIAM (74) & HANNAH KERWOOD (72) – (Grandfather & Grandmother), married in 1829. William, born 1806, retired agricultural labourer worked for land owner Isaac Blakeman, at his 770 acre Coldfallow Farm, Chesterton. The couple rent a cottage in BLETCHINGDON. Their children have married and moved on.
Thomas (47) (Uncle) Married and resides in Chesterton
John (41) (Father) Married and resides in Bletchingdon
William (37) (Uncle) Married and resides in Binsey
THOMAS (47) & JANE KERWOOD (42) – (Uncle & Aunt). The family rent a cottage in CHESTERTON. In 1881 Kerwood was the most prolific surname in Chesterton. Thomas, born in 1834, works as an agricultural labourer and journeyman at Coldfallow Farm, Chesterton, and rents one of Isaac Blakeman's cottages. Thomas’s two daughters, Christina and Phillis ‘live in’ on the estate as kitchen staff.
Charles (24) (Cousin) m Harriett. Reside in Chesterton 1 daughter Ada (1) (2nd Cousin)
Thomas (23) (Cousin)
Herbert (21) (Cousin)
Christina (19) (Cousin)
Walter (18) (Cousin)
Phillis (15) (Cousin)
Frederick (14) (Cousin)
Albert (12) (Cousin)
JOHN (41) & HARRIET KERWOOD (40) – (Father & Mother). The family rent a cottage in BLETCHINGDON. John, born in 1840, works as an agricultural labourer and carpenter at Isaac Blakeman's Coldfallow Farm, Chesterton, and rents one of Isaac’s cottages.
Isaac (18) (Brother)
Eliza (16) (Sister)
Lavinia (13) (Sister)
Emanuel (10) (Brother)
WILLIAM (37) & SARAH KERWOOD (36) – (Uncle & Aunt). The family rent a cottage in BINSEY. William, born 1844, works as an agricultural labourer at Isaac Blakeman's Coldfallow Farm. William’s eldest son, William Jnr., ‘lives in’ on the estate as an agricultural labourer and stable hand.
William Jnr (15) (Cousin)
Stephen (13) (Cousin)
John (10) (Cousin)
Aubrey (7) (Cousin)