Hold it right there… and read this crucial note from the author.
I gather you are browsing for your next book, if so, go no further than this page until you have read it and fully understood the implications and the reasoning behind it.
This is not a new story. It is a re-working of the previously published five part series entitled Casting Couch.
If you have read this series heretofore, please ignore this edition and continue browsing. If not, please by all means read on.
The Casting Couch series has here been re-titled, re-written, re-packaged and re-published as a stand-alone volume intended for readers who don’t particularly like serialisations or have no intention of rushing out to buy a five volume set of books just on the author’s say-so.
This edition is a re-write, not an omnibus.
Hopefully, having made that abundantly clear and maybe saved you some cash, it is now make your mind up time. If you have not read the series you may now ask yourself… ‘Should I buy this edition or should I put it aside and chase up the whole set which is listed on the Casting Couch page on this site. Whichever you choose, I trust that you will enjoy either option.
Of course, there is a third choice, one which I obviously wouldn’t endorse, but if you are going to put this book back on the shelf and be done with the whole idea, then all I can do is say “thank you for your time” and wish you renewed happy browsing.